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Open Data

The Ontario government has adopted the principle of “Open Government,” an initiative about creating a more open and transparent government for the people of Ontario.  As part of this initiative the Government is promoting an “Open by Default” approach to the release of government data.  To guide this release, an Open Data Directive was developed in consultation with Ontarians.  This directive, which came into effect April 1, 2016, requires all data the government creates, collects and/or manages be made public on the Ontario Data Catalogue unless it is exempt for legal, privacy, security, confidentiality or commercially sensitive reasons. 

A list of all the data sets that the Niagara Escarpment Commission creates, collects and/or manages is listed in the Open Data Inventory list. 

To download Niagara Escarpment Commission’s available data set or to see all open data sets available from the Government of Ontario, please see the Ontario Data Catalogue. 

Current datasets

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